Here you find important and useful information of travel and accomodation in Taipei for your preparation of visit to Beauty Expo.

If you are looking for hotel accommodation, there is a wide selection of hotels nearby the fairground.

Visa Application for Visiting Taiwan
Find essential information and guidance on how to apply for a visa to visit Taiwan in here.
Get to The Fairground

Venue: 1F, Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1
Address: No. 5, Section 5, Xinyi Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 110
From the airport → Taipei City

* For more traffic information about Taoyuan Airport, please click here.
From Taipei City → Taipei World Trade Center
1. Subway
- Take the red Tamsui–Xinyi line to Taipei 101/Taipei World Trade Center
Click here for the Route Map
2. Taxi
- Taxis are yellow in color in Taiwan and available 24 hours a day.
English Taxi Service: +886 2 2799 7997.
For more taxi information, please click here.
3. Bus
- A number of buses stop by the exhibition hall.
Click here for bus routes
* The time and fare are for reference only.