APAC Beauty Industry Trend Forum
In response to the rapid growth and innovation of the global beauty industry, Taiwan's beauty sector is on the cusp of unprecedented breakthroughs. The Beauty Expo 2025 will feature the 2025 APAC Beauty Industry Trends Forum on its opening day, centered around the theme: "Connecting Taiwan, Korea, and Japan: Reimagining Global Beauty." This forum aims to unite professional resources from across the Asia-Pacific region, creating new opportunities for cross-border collaboration.
This forum will feature two distinguished industry experts: Lucie Shin, Chief Industry Analyst at Trendier.ai, Korea, and Takako Yano, Editor-in-Chief of BeautyTech.jp, Japan, who will provide in-depth analysis of the latest trends and emerging business opportunities in the Korean and Japanese beauty markets. Additionally, Dr. Feng-Chou Tsai, Chairman of the Taiwan Aesthetic Medicine and Industry Organization, will moderate a panel discussion, offering valuable insights alongside international speakers and Taiwanese beauty industry representatives. Key topics to be addressed include the integration of medical innovations in beauty and skincare, evolving business strategies, and global transformation trends within the beauty industry.
隨著全球美容產業的快速成長與創新,台灣美業正迎來前所未有的突破契機。【2025台北國際美容保養展暨美甲美睫博覽會】特別於開展首日舉辦【2025亞太國際美業趨勢論壇】,以「立足台灣、鏈結韓日:打造全球美容產業新生態系」為題,匯聚亞太區域專業資源,開創跨境合作新局。 本次論壇特別邀請到韓國Trendier.ai首席產業分析師Lucie Shin,及日本BeautyTech.jp總編輯矢野貴久子兩位重量級產業專家,將於論壇中深度剖析韓、日美容產業最新趨勢與發展商機。並邀請台灣美容醫學產業全國聯合會理事長 蔡豐州 主持擔專業座談主持人分享精闢見解,與兩位國際講者及台灣美業代表共同探討最新醫療賦能美容保養議題、創新思維與國際轉型等關鍵趨勢。
Event Agenda / 活動議程
Date: 3/27(Thu) 15:00-17:00
Venue: Area A - Main Seminar Stage Hall1 Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC)
- messe frankfurt (hk) ltd. taiwan branch
- udn.com
- Taiwan Aesthetic Medicine and Industry Organization, TAMIO
- Taipei Cosmetics Industry Association, TCIA
APAC Beauty Industry Trend Forum 亞太國際美業趨勢論壇 |
14:45-15:00 | Registration / 報到註冊、換證 | |
15:00-15:10 | Opening Speech / 開幕致詞 | Benson W.P. Hsieh / 謝偉斌 Taipei Cosmetics Industry Association Chairman of Board 台北市化粧品商業同業公會 理事長 |
15:10-15:40 | Keynote Speech 1 / 專題演講 1 Latest Korean Beauty Trends Insights 最新韓國美容趨勢洞察 |
Lucie Shin Trendier.ai Chief Industry Analyst Trendier.ai 首席產業分析師 |
15:40-16:10 | Keynote Speech 2 / 專題演講 2 Insights and Trends in the Japanese Cosmetics Market 日本化妝品市場洞察與趨勢 |
Kikuko Yano / 矢野 貴久子 BeautyTech.jp Editor-in-Chief BeautyTech.jp 總編輯 |
16:10-16:40 | Panel Discussion 專業座談 Connecting Taiwan, Korea, and Japan: Reimagining Global Beauty 立足台灣、鏈結韓日:打造全球美容產業新生態系 |
Moderator: 主持人: |
16:40-17:00 | Networking event / 現場交流 | |
17:00 | End of Seminar |
About Lecturers
Lucie Shin

Lucie, Head of Data Business at Trendier AI, provides global market analysis for more than 2,000 beauty companies, ranging from manufacturers and indie brands to global retailers. As a leading K-Beauty trend analyst, she is frequently invited to speak at major international beauty events hosted by companies like Amazon and TikTok.
Her recent webinar session for K-Beauty Trend Summit 2024 was accessed by beauty professionals from 91 countries worldwide.
Lucie是Trendier AI的數據業務主管,為超過2000家美容公司提供全球市場分析,這些公司涵蓋了美容產業的製造商、獨立品牌到全球零售商。作為領先的韓國美容趨勢分析師,她經常受邀在由亞馬遜和TikTok等公司主辦的國際美容大會上發表演講。她最在K-Beauty Trend Summit 2024上的網絡研討會,也吸引了來自91個國家的美容專業人士參與。
Kikuko Yano / 矢野 貴久子

Former editor at Oggi and FIGARO Japon, she founded cafeglobe.com (now MashingUp.jp) in 1999 as a media platform for professional women. Since 2012, she has led women's media at Media Gene and worked as a media producer at Infobahn, specializing in corporate media operations, branding, and strategy.
From 2006 to 2016, she was a visiting professor at Digital Hollywood University Graduate School. In 2017, she joined iStyle to launch BeautyTech.jp, becoming its Editor-in-Chief in 2018. She has served as a judge for the Japan BeautyTech Award (2019) and a mentor for the EY Women Entrepreneur Accelerator Program. Since 2020, she has also been a judge for the Tokiwa Beauty Accelerator Program and the Tokyo Chapter Head of FaB (Fashion and Beauty Tech Community), focusing on digital transformation in the beauty industry.
Passionate about dance, travel, networking, yoga, and Pilates, she also serves as an auditor for Parité Academy.
曾任《Oggi》《FIGARO Japon》編輯,1999年創立專為職業女性打造的媒體平台 cafeglobe.com(現 MashingUp.jp)。自2012年起,擔任 Media Gene 女性媒體主管及 Infobahn 媒體製作人,專注企業媒體營運、品牌策略與創意規劃。
2006-2016年擔任數位好萊塢大學院客座教授,2017年加入 iStyle 籌備 BeautyTech.jp,2018年任主編。2019年擔任 Japan BeautyTech Award 評審,並受邀為 EY 女性創業加速器計畫導師。2020年起,兼任 Tokiwa Beauty Accelerator Program 評審及 FaB 東京分部負責人,關注全球美容產業數位轉型與市場趨勢。
熱愛舞蹈、旅行、社交、瑜珈及皮拉提斯,現亦擔任 Parité Academy 監事。
Feng-Chou Tsai / 蔡豐州

Dr. Feng-Chou Tsai is a renowned plastic surgeon, founder of HANFENG Premier Plastic Surgery Chain, and advocate of the Life Science Project. He holds a Ph.D. in medicine, serves as a professor, and is the President of the Taiwan Association of Aesthetic Medicine and Honorary President of the Taiwan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Dr. Tsai fosters industry-government-academia collaboration, has published in international journals, and founded medical chains and biotech companies. He has also participated in humanitarian missions in Africa three times.
As one of Taiwan’s earliest medical influencers (KOLs), he launched “Plastic Surgery Trends” in 1999 to promote aesthetic medicine knowledge, making a lasting impact on the industry.
